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The ever increasing rate of change in technology and rapid obsolescence of software as well as hardware technology places an immense drain on a business or organization to employ current technologies to solve their problems. The pressures to maintain profitability and to move new products to market conspire to hinder adoption of current technology, with the result that people must be empowered at alllevels in order for an organization to maximize its use of resources. Because most companies can not afford the costs of devoting people full-time to assessing technology and aiding in technology transition at the speed required in the information age inefficiencies in technology adoption and utilization result and costs unnecessarily increase. Calculated Insight™ addresses these needs by providing practical, broadbased insight into current and coming high technologies and in assisting in moving these technologies into organizations and individuals.

The Calculated Insight™ mission is to foster the development and use of information age technologies.

Calculated Insight™ is dedicated to addressing information age technology issues, to aiding in empowering individuals and organizations to exploit the opportunities offered by adopting edge-empowered, information age practices, and in developing new information age technologies.

Calculated Insight™ brings to bear a unique mix of technology capabilities that can be brought to bear to address information age issues, improve individual and group decision-making and sense-making, increase information sharing, and increase information awareness. Calculated Insight has the experience and expertise needed to develop tools and train individuals so that they maximize the opportunities afforded by information empowerment, adopt techniques for complexity management, identify fleeting opportunities for action, and develop novel solutions to address unexpected and important opportunities and circumstances.

Calculated Insight™ helps develop individual and group skills for exploiting opportunities in the accelerated world of the information age by aiding individuals and organizations in developing the necessary skills, attitudes, and technologies. The skills and attitudes fostered by Calculated Insight result in edge-empowered, network-centric, agile, and information age ready organizations and people.

Calculated Insight™brings the world's most powerful technologies to bear upon information age problems and provides research &development, consulting, and education services.